What Can Be Done to Stop Tourette Syndrome?

What exactly is Tourette Syndrome? The Gilles De la Tourette syndrome (TTS) is actually a complex neuropsychiatric condition that involves spontaneous facial movements and involuntary vocal sounds, known as tics, that come and go without a purpose.


Most individuals with TTS will be diagnosed with at least one simple motor tic, which typically consists of the person moving their lips or chewing their tongue while speaking or simply by using their mouth for the purpose. Complex motor tic symptoms are generally non-specific (touching, tasting, walking, obscene gestures) and may also be non-intentional (barking, rubbing, kicking, grunting).


A person who suffers from TTS has many of the personality traits that are common in people with autism and other developmental disorders


This includes extreme irritability, marked changes in personality, and an extreme amount of curiosity about everyday activities. Although most of these symptoms are only present to varying degrees, the person with Tourette Syndrome will often have an increased degree of agitation and emotional outbursts that interfere with their daily activities.


There is no treatment for Tourette Syndrome. It is usually treated with a combination of psychostimulants and behavior modification treatments, although not all people respond well to medication. TTS is classified as a Neurobehavioral Disorder Spectrum I (NBD I) and can also be classified as a Neurodevelopmental Disorder Spectrum III (NDDS III). Treatment for Tourette Syndrome is often not effective, however, it can be managed through a combination of psychostimulants and behavioral therapy.


Since symptoms of TTS can be very debilitating, treatment must be started as soon as possible to ensure that the symptoms do not get worse. The best way to treat TTS is to avoid it in the first place by learning to manage stress and focusing on tasks and activities that make you happy and healthy.


Medications such as aminexantrine, atomoxetine, and clonidine citrate have been shown to be effective in treating individuals with TTS and are usually prescribed by doctors when the symptoms become more intense. Although the side effects of these medications are not always favorable, they are often able to control most of the symptoms and are usually quite safe.



Behavioral therapy is the next step in the process of treating TTS. The goal of this type of therapy is to teach the person how to focus on positive activities, improve social skills, cope with stress, and increase communication and social awareness.


In general, there is no cure for the syndrome. However, through various types of therapy and medications, some people have been able to manage some of their symptoms and even overcome their symptoms completely.


While there is no cure for Tourette Syndrome, many people have been able to manage the symptoms and manage the condition in some degree or another


The most important thing is to learn and practice proper methods of coping with TTS. These include:

  • – Behavior Therapy: This type of therapy is most often performed in a group setting, where one or more people with TTS can work with a therapist to learn ways to cope with their symptoms and learn better social skills. While this type of therapy cannot cure the person with TTS, it can help improve their overall quality of life.
  • – Medication: While medication may provide some relief for some individuals with Tourette Syndrome, there is still no known cure. For these people, behavioral therapy, along with counseling and/or counseling, are still the best options.
  • – Medication: As noted, there is no cure to the symptoms. However, using medication together with psychostimulants or behavioral therapy is still the most effective method of treatment.

Many people suffering from TTS have been able to overcome their symptoms by taking medication and behavioral therapy. If you suffer from this disorder, it is important to talk to your doctor about the possibility of medication and/or therapy and then to find a program that will work best with your unique situation and your needs.

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